Will These Complications Ever End?

Well life throws lots of questionable situations at us to the point we wondered if they're all part of our preparation process or that's just our life for the rest of our time on this Earth. There are moments when you feel so accomplished and seem to have everything in order and on track but just before you start to fully Pat yourself on the back for a job well done, this wind comes from no where and sweep you off to no where. But hey, that's not the end of it all. Remember the same wind that is pushing you away can bring you right back when it changes direction. Keep your head up and Never let past experiences determine where you will be place in life...you determine what part of your life each experiences can be place. Put the negative ones at the back to help push you forward. Learn from them, build your confidents on them, keep the courage knowing that if you can survive from them you can survive anything that life may wish to bring you in time. You are stronger th...